10 Creative Video Content Ideas for Small Businesses

10 Creative Video Content Ideas for Small Businesses

10 Creative Video Content Ideas for Small Businesses

HubSpot survey of marketers found that 59% of respondents used video in their content, while 76% of the marketers that used video as part of their marketing strategy called it their “most effective content format”. Video works. But how can you – as a small business or brand trying to capture your viewers’ attention online – make it work for your marketing goals? Here are 10 creative video content ideas for small businesses. 

Tell Your Story With Creative Video Content

You’ve put in a lot of work to make your dream a reality. What better way to communicate that to your customers than to tell them yourself? One of the most appealing aspects of buying from a small business is that people love to buy from someone they know and understand. If they wanted a faceless conglomerate, they’d go to one of your bigger competitors. 

When people buy from a small business, they want to emotionally invest in the business’s background. By creating a video where you tell your business’s origin story, in your own words, you give them an opportunity to do just that. Create a video where you talk about your mission, goals, and value. 

Bonus tip: Create an outline for yourself with key points to hit, but don’t script it too tightly. You’ll want to sound genuine and authentic. 

Customer Testimonials

Have you ever heard of the concept of social proof? It’s the idea that people like to buy from someone who others have already approved of. One of the best ways to do this is to record customer testimonials. A customer testimonial video is simple: you interview your satisfied customers about why they love your product or service. This way your customers receive visual evidence that what you do works and has worked for others. 

Bonus tip: Ask your happy customers plenty of questions, and don’t talk about their responses beforehand. Let them speak off the cuff so they don’t sound rehearsed. 

Introduce Your Team With Creative Video Content

If you work with a team of people, why not create a video introducing your team? Just like your customers want to know more about you, they also want to know more about the other people providing them with help. You can get creative and fun, asking your team members to showcase their personalities in unique ways while also talking about the important role they serve within your team. 

Bonus tip: Depending on how big your team is, you can either make one video introducing all of them or do a series giving an introduction on each team member. 

Animated Explainer

An animated explainer video is where you provide a short overview of a challenge or issue in a fun, animated format. What’s great about this creative video content is that they look different than other videos your customer is exposed to on the internet. Your customer’s internet experience is often a sea of endless scrolling. With an animated explainer, you can provide a visual break for the viewer in a way that will prompt them to stop. 

Bonus tip: Keep these concise – the quicker you can provide an explanation, the faster you’ll hook your customer to explore more about your product or service. 

Demonstrate Understanding of the Customer Problem

a florist making creative video content for her flower shop.
Female florist making vlog session while working in her flower shop.

Along the same lines of an animated explainer, you’ll want to create videos where you demonstrate your intimate understanding of the problem the customer is going through. This video can feature you in your workspace or at a site relevant to your customer’s problems. This allows you to walk the customer through their own thinking and logic, setting the stage for when you eventually provide the solution for their problem. The video can feature you addressing the camera (and the customer) directly, or have you out in the field. 

Bonus tip: It can be tempting to load these types of videos with industry jargon to show off your depth of knowledge. Avoid this – it’s all about speaking to the customer on their level in a language they can understand. 

Establish Authority 

One of the best ways to impress your customers is to position yourself as a thought leader in your field. Create a video in which you highlight a specific topic in your industry and showcase your expertise on the subject. You can also tell your customers about any certifications or credentials you have that will lend your thoughts credibility. 

Bonus tip: If there’s a news story trending that touches your industry, find a way to give your opinion on it from your own business’s perspective, working it into the overall narrative of the business solution you provide. 

Give a Virtual Tour 

If you have an office, factory, storefront, or another workspace, a virtual tour can bring your viewers in. You allow them to explore your world, feeling more comfortable with your business with creative video content. 

Bonus tip: You can pair this with your team member introduction videos, including them as part of the tour as well. 

Say Something Funny

You’ll want to persuade your customers with evidence and data about why your small business or brand is the right one for them, but you also have to grab their attention. One foolproof way to do that is to produce humorous videos. 

You don’t have to produce Saturday Night Live-quality sketches, but you can develop lighthearted scripts that take hold of your viewer and encourage them to find out more. 

Bonus tip: While humor has a place in your video marketing strategy, it shouldn’t be the only tactic you use. Use it like you would seasoning on food: it’s there to accentuate your brand, but you still need hard data to back up your claims and convince customers to buy from you. 

Give a Tutorial 

When you sell your customers your product or service, they’re giving you money to get value in return. When you give them information upfront and provide it free of charge, you condition them to expect value from you. A tutorial is a great way to teach your customers more about a topic or how to perform a specific task. 

Bonus tip: Tutorial videos can be a great way to build your email list – offer them a free link to your tutorial for signing up.

Add Creative Video Content to Your Small Business’s Marketing Strategy

Interested in taking your digital content to the next level? Kibble Creative can help. For more on how we can help, contact us today